Friday, February 17, 2006

The Verb BE

Hi! I am a new daddy! This is a picture of my first son. His name is Benjamin. My new son one week old. His name is Joseph. My two sons are funny!

Do you see the red words above? These are the Verb BE.

I want you to practice the Verb BE tonight.

Do this:

  1. Click here to go to the Verb BE exercise.
  2. Write the correct form of the verb BE in the boxes.
  3. Click on Check to see if your answers are correct.

Count and Non-Count Nouns

English has a lot of nouns.


Some nouns are COUNT NOUNS.

Some nouns are NON-COUNT NOUNS.

Here are three grammar exercises about nouns.
(Drag the words Count and Non-Count next to the nouns).

  1. Click here for exercise #1
  2. Click here for exercise #2
  3. Click here for exercise #3

Read a Story!

Dogs love bones!

Click here to read a story about a dog and his bone.

  1. Click on the words.
  2. Listen to the words.
  3. Click on the green arrow to see the next page.
  4. Click on the little ear to listen to the sentences.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Grammar Practice

1. COUNT and NON-COUNT Nouns
What fruit is this?

BANANA! I love bananas!

Is banana a count noun? Is banana a non-count noun?

Click here to practice count and non-count nouns.

2. The verb BE - present and past.

I am a student today. I was a farmer yesterday.

Click here to practice the verb BE

3. A Little and A Few

NOT Correct: I have a few money.
Correct: I have a little money.

Use "a little" with non-count nouns.
Use "a few" with count nouns.

Click here to practice A Little and A Few.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Match Words and Pictures

Do these three things:

  1. Read the word
  2. Find the right picture
  3. Click on the picture

Click here to go to the website! Good Luck!

If you like the quiz, click on the words Next Quiz (at the bottom of the page) and do another quiz!

Word order

Can you make a question with these words?

is your What name ?

Click here to do a sentence puzzle (click on the words to put them in order).

Monday, February 06, 2006

Classroom Things

Do you know what this is?

This is a STAPLER.

We have lot of things in our classroom.

Click here to practice your classroom words!

Friday, February 03, 2006